At Ryelle Strategy Group we are committed to cultivating strategic alliances to ensure full-service solutions offering representation across industries and geographies.

Today we are excited to announce our partnership with Barry Cross, seasoned corporate executive, Distinguished Faculty Fellow at Queens University and transformational change expert.

Barry Cross is an expert and thought leader in innovation, execution and operations strategy. He joined Smith School of Business at Queens University in 2006 after nearly 20 years in the automotive and manufacturing sectors with Magna, Autosystems and DuPont, where he led many key strategic initiatives, including nearly 30 program launches in North America, Asia, Latin America and Europe. Barry speaks and consults widely in the areas of Lean, Innovation, Strategy, Change, Projects andExecution, enabling organizations to create sustainable value for their customers. He is the bestselling author of three books, including Simple: Killing Complexity for a Lean and Agile Organization, and numerous journal articles.