Our Work

Connect / Collaborate / Co-Create

Our Work

Ryelle Founder and Managing Director Carol Kotacka has spent her career in the field working with industry, government and front-line service providers. From labour halls to emergency departments to manufacturing lines, a consistent theme became apparent: Brilliant, transformational ideas already exist within organizations.

The key to unlocking the power of these ideas and turning them into action lies squarely in providing a platform for connection, collaboration and co-creation, and providing organizations with the extra hands to turn transformational goals into turn-key operational execution. That’s where Ryelle comes in.

Ryelle continually engages private and public sector leaders across industries and geographies, asking them, “What keeps you up at night?”. The answers consistently reveal that leaders are keenly aware of the rapidly changing context in which they operate. They understand the need to evolve in order to thrive, but often lack the resources and capacity – essentially, people power – to make it happen. The commitment and consistency necessary to drive outcomes and R.O.I. often isnʼt possible. Ryelle Strategy Group brings both strategy and execution expertise to organizations on an as-needed basis in a cost-effective manner.

We help companies and organizations with strategy execution, first and foremost. Our experience with organizations, budgets (big and small) and multi-disciplinary teams provides the expertise and experience to support organizations to deliver on their execution goals.

Our service offerings have been designed to provide value to any leader in the private, public or non-governmental organization (NGO) space. With our network of seasoned leaders and top-notch client service model, we can support organizations in times of crisis or that are planning for the future. With the capacity to set the strategy, execution structure and measurement platform, Ryelle can offer a turnkey execution system that provides support through exercises in strategy development, insourced execution teams, coaching and/or capacity building, to name a few.

Here is a small sampling of Ryelle services that can help you deliver on outcomes:

  • Client/Patient/Customer experience mapping
  • Knowledge mobilization
  • Market intelligence
  • Stakeholder engagement strategies and frameworks
  • Brand management and marketing, including management of all media channels
  • Communications, including full package execution from writing to visual content for your digital platforms
  • Change management implementation
  • Planning and execution of mergers
  • Creation of new platforms such as educational and instructional modules
International Charitable Organization : Stakeholder engagement through event and digital platforms

Led strategy and execution for stakeholder engagement program on behalf of more than 70 organizations including boards of trade, education, hospitals, police and social services. In collaboration with stakeholders, developed and led strategies that focused on advocacy work in the community and at the provincial government level. This work culminated with the provincial announcement of the first population-based allocation of its kind for child and youth mental health.

Provincial Childcare Centre Program: Integration of newly consolidated child care centres and programming across Ontario

Developed a transformational system navigation model as part of the global initiative looking at a Child and Family System (CFS) by the Ministry of Children and Youth services. The model was piloted in a community with the fastest growing child population in North America.

Major Hospitals: Merger of two healthcare systems in the Greater Toronto Area

Developed a community consultation strategy to inform new strategy, brand launch and community partnerships to drive a new kind of health care for a healthier community. Built internal communications and engagement channels across five sites through the merger and integration.

Regulatory Government Relations for Multinationals

Led regulatory government relations program on behalf of industrial multinationals to introduce new European product to Canadian bakery and meat industries for accounts like Christie’s, Nestle, Kraft, Schneiders and Maple Leaf. The strategy resulted in beating all competitors to market.

National market viability assessment

Performed market viability assessments of British, Irish and German markets on behalf of Canadian industry. Projects included extensive on-the-ground stakeholder engagement to assess regulatory compliance, legislative challenges and potential market entry points, as well stakeholder and public perceptions.

Led collaborative team for national & international organizations for client/patient experience

Built teams of content experts providing compliance, business excellence and client/patient experience assessments across Canada, Central America and, most recently, the Middle East.