Preparing for Mid-Term/Preparing for Recovery

Within weeks, many of our worlds have turned upside down. We’re worried about our family, our employees, and the survival of our business. For those of us in the charitable and broader public sectors, we are concerned more than ever, for the wellbeing of our clients.  Amidst this anxiety, we leaders need to be focused.  The focus is on keeping our organizations running, while making a plan for how to resume operations when we collectively emerge from the crisis we are in.

Preparing for recovery is important.  What needs to be in place now so that you can ramp up and deliver your service when the time comes? How can you change your service model to fit the new ‘normal’?  Develop some if-then scenarios to make educated forecasts about what a new normal might look like. What change can you make today to make your organization stronger tomorrow? Keep an eye on reliable news sources to see what new help is being announced for businesses, charities, agencies as well as for your clients. Stay informed.

Make a plan for the mid-term and for when things stabilize. How can you evolve your model to provide value today?  This is a good time to make those changes to your website that you never got around to. Create a reopening or marketing plan now so that when the time comes, you will be ready to take action quickly. Focus on any small change that can help you keep your business or service going online. While we are still in the crisis, online presence matters more than ever.  Use social media to communicate with your clients about your operations. Tell them about the measures you are taking to keep a safe workplace for your employees and clients, and how they can best access your services. Be sensitive with tone, and show your understanding about the anxiety and hardship that people are experiencing right now.  Support your local businesses and charities, and talk about your actions online to multiply the message that we are all in this together.

Most importantly, and this is the hardest part, try to keep anxiety out of your business.  Focus on the future, as a way of staying positive for your employees and clients.  The time will come when things will return to normal, whatever the new normal will be. You want to be one of the organizations who handled this situation well.

Take care of yourselves, and take care of each other.