Ryelle Launches Human Capital Consulting Services

Amelie Villeneuve, Content Expert
Carol Kotacka, Managing Partner

People matter most.  That’s what we heard when we surveyed leaders recently on how to keep business thriving in a virtual world.  COVID has taught us that the basics matter most when we are all in a crisis together: family, friends, community…people.

Your employees are still your greatest asset, and that fact has never been more true. Engaged employees create satisfied clients and customers. Employee engagement and motivation in a ubiquitously virtual workplace was top of mind for the leaders who answered our survey.  How do we keep remote employees connected to the organization’s vision and strategy?

Keeping a pulse on employee satisfaction is just the foundation for building an engagement strategy that will lead to commitment to your organization’s strategy. Many leaders struggle with how to motivate and manage performance in this evolving context.  New facilitation and consultation techniques are required in a workplace where almost all interactions are virtual. Even though your dialogue with employees and clients may be entirely on Zoom right now, we have some approaches to share with you that can help you keep it real, even over video.

Voice will never replace facial expression. Ask your team members to turn on their camera so you can read their emotions and they can see yours.  Look at them in the eyes like they were sitting across the table.  In smaller meetings, where conversation, discussion and debates are welcome, kill the mute button.  This allows for shared laughter, brainstorm and creativity.

Connect with your team. Do a professional check-in at the beginning of your meetings by asking your team members – what energy they bring to the table today?  Is there something in their professional or personal life that the team should know about? So many of us are experiencing major personal challenges through the pandemic crisis. This is a great way to begin a meeting with empathy.

Communication is key It’s always better to overcommunicate than under communicate.  Establishing a cadence of communication so that your team members know when they will hear from you.

An evolution is under way when it comes to human capital management. Everything from recruitment to performance management has had to be revisited in our new virtual workplaces. Our team has been working in the field across Canada, supporting clients in shifting to a new reality in employee attraction, retention and management. We have developed and tested best practices in interviewing, onboarding, and retaining employees in an entirely virtual, and trustworthy manner. Based on conversations with leaders across sectors, our offering now also includes a virtual turnkey recruitment service for hiring at any level of the organization.

Onboarding and training new employees virtually, without ever meeting them, is a challenge that most organizations have not encountered prior to COVID. Bringing on new people into your organization so that they ramp up quickly, and feel involved in your mandate, is not just a challenge of leadership today, it’s a tactical feat that requires scalable orientation and training solutions. During this crisis, Ryelle has expanded a rapidly deployable curriculum offering that organizations can use to help pivot their workforce to a reality that keeps shifting every month.

In our April blog, we talked about the importance of resilience during this unprecedent time. Organizational resilience is about establishing a culture of flexibility and preparedness.  Culture is people, under strong leadership.  Through this pandemic, we dig deep to be the best leaders we can be, and engage our employees in our organization’s mission.

Your people are what make your strategy a reality. Contact us today for a complementary audit of your human capital management approaches.

Client-focused, time-conscious, responsive.
That is our mantra. Whether you need a little or a lot, we will provide the support you need when you need it.