Ryelle Strategy Group Announces Collaboration with Queen’s University Industrial Relations Centre

Ryelle Strategy Group is pleased to announce its collaboration with Queen’s University Industrial Relations Centre to bring best-in-class service offerings in People, Culture, and Capacity to clients in the field.

Transformational change is a specific area of focus for Ryelle Strategy Group, supporting organizations during times of both crisis and evolution. Through our work with industry, government, and front-line service providers, we consistently ask one foundational question to clients: “What keeps you up at night?” People, culture, change management and labour relations were consistent themes as leaders are facing sector and industry changes at an unprecedented rate.

Over the course of the pandemic, we have delivered upon a number of pressing requests from organizations—large and small—to bring training, eLearning, and programming to virtual settings. Through strategic execution of this work, it became clear that change management, policy review and employee engagement, viewed through an equity lens, have been a consistent need.

In order to continue to meet our clients’ ever-growing needs, we are proud to announce Ryelle Strategy Group’s People, Culture, and Capacity offering, focused on change management, transformation, education, and people. The crown jewel of this portfolio is a unique collaboration of our in-field content experts and our partnership with Queen’s University’s Industrial Relations Centre (IRC) and their capacity building platform. Their new program “Change Management” is the perfect learning opportunity to bring to our clients, providing teams with foundational knowledge and practical skills to guide transformation and design through pandemic and post-pandemic realities. At a time when many people are re-evaluating their careers or are feeling disconnected from their colleagues, their highly interactive Strategies for Workplace Conflicts program teaches managers and leaders practical and essential skills for approaching everyday workplace disputes in a constructive and effective way.

In the coming months, you will see Ryelle content experts facilitating discussions on real-life applications in IRC classrooms as well as bringing client needs to Queen’s University’s illustrious halls and IRC’s excellent training platform to innovate custom solutions.

Curious to learn more? Reach out to info@ryellegroup.com or fill out the Contact form on our website for a chat.